
Saturday 28 February 2009

3 Solid Boxing Combinations + (Kick) Boxing Defense Techniques

I've got less than four weeks to go until my White Collar Charity boxing event and I'm feeling good. Lots of training, conditioning, washing wraps, getting punched in the jaw and ribs, puking blood, you know the regular stuff.

I can say that I'm not as into boxing as I am kickboxing frankly because I think it's less versatile since you can only really work with half the weapons of kickboxing (some would argue more if you consider knees and elbows). But I have no doubt that I'll be a better kickboxer as result of this experience.

This is a fantastic video on basic boxing combinations that I've been working on:

And here's a clip of some solid defensive techniques I hope I'll remember when I'm in the ring:

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