"The God Delusion" is on my to-read list as I have always been enthralled by religious debate. I found this interview very interesting and provocative as the questions that Dawkins addresses are clearly compelling and sincere, but so to are his responses and the logic behind them. Anyone that has read Dawkins' book, please let me know what you thought!
Below is also another interview that I found similarly fascinating.
To me, the intense response that Richard Dawkins' claims have brought out are just as interesting and fascinating as the actual claims themselves. It's ironic and true that it's almost less offensive (and more accepted) to tell someone "I believe in witches or dwarves (let alone Jewish, Muslim or Buddhist)" then it is to reveal that you're an aetheist. In other words, you're more likely to be accepted if you indicate that you believe in something (anything, even magical Sharks) as opposed to revealing that you believe there likely is NO higher being.
I haven't quite figured out why this is but I suspect it may have something to do with a fear that (assuming I believe in a God), an aetheist's assertion of a God-less universe would inherently and unequivocally invalidate my own. What confuses me however is why this would be less the case when compared to a Buddhist's assertions or Wicken's? Perhaps with those examples, there is some consideration left for the possibility that the God is the same, just interpreted/addressed differently?
And just in case you can't get enough Dawkins, take a listen to this NPR interview.