
Wednesday, 5 November 2008

Everyday Pics from Hong Kong

I've been living in Hong Kong now for more than a year and while I'm quite settled in my life and have my daily routine, I'm keenly aware that to many of my friends and family back in the US, I've gone to go live in crazy Asia. Granted, there is certainly craziness here (I've never partied harder), but it's a place like any other with daily routines, boredom, excitement, bad and good things.

(street view in Sheung Wan)

(some ladies getting their early morning Tai Chi on in Victoria Park)

(Big Buddha at Po Lin Monastery)

(boats in Stanley Harbor)

What I will say is that Hong Kong is certainly more cosmopolitan and international than most people give it credit for. Obviously there are plenty of expats here (+71,000 as of 2006) even after the British hand-over in '97; and more often than not, these "guai lo" Hong Kongers are by defintion international, and sometimes Cosmopolitan. But local residents are also very well educated, trendy and generally well traveled. This makes sense given that this is arguably the premier gateway to Asia, thus it would be the most exposed city. That exposure invariably leads to Western influence (good and bad) through people, media, politics and business.

(Yes, even in Hong Kong, people drink until they puke up a liver)

(view from The Peak)

(competitors preparing for the start of City Chase Hong Kong 2008)

(Hong Kong's premier party district, Lan Kwai Fong, over Halloween)

(hiking around a rock pool in Sai Cung with some friends)

(view of Wan Chai from Victoria Harbour)

Hong Kong is a wonderful place to visit and certainly a unique place to live; I can't say that it's my first choice as far as cities in which to raise a family, but I'd place it in one of the Top 5 cities that every person should be lucky enough to experience at least once in their life time.

I will defiintely post more but I know I'm long overdue in giving at least some love to my home for the past year.

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