This is my first post - how exciting. The goal will be for me to post frequently so that I'm averaging a few times a week, kinda like working out I guess. But I'll be working out my mind. And my fingers. And my proclivity to produce streams of consciousness that result in a blog post that can maybe get me some traffic and rankings for random phrases like "chicken leg hammersmith" and "arizona dry iced tea bag".
As a little intro to me, I'm male, Chinese-American, happily married (sorry ladies) and in my late 20's. I moved from the US to Hong Kong for work and have had a great time of the whole experience thus far. I do all the normal things that people like to do and a few abnormal things: rock-climb, kickbox, take care of 2 oversized dogs. I work in advertising but longer term would like to do something a little more charitable, like NGO work or teaching or crime-fighting. But for now, life is good, I have a job and a life I'm enjoying and the family is healthy. I am fairly opinionated about a slew of topics so I think this blog will come in handy to anonymously produce rants and raves that may in some way give the 3 other people that end up reading this pause for thought.
So welcome to my blog and it's nice to meet you virtually. Hope to see you around soon!
Daily David
19 hours ago